Naturopathic Consulting Services for New York

It is time to get the personalized care you deserve.

This is not just an appointment. This is a giant step towards positive change. Our services in NY are outlined below with the details describing the purpose behind each visit. The different visits are strategic on our part to provide the greatest success in your new health journey.

All new clients must schedule a foundational visit as an initial visit. You may chose to do a free Discovery Visit first. All virtual appointments are secure, visits using our HIPPA compliant electronic health records system. This system is compatible with a laptop or computer with an internet connection. A smartphone is also compatible but for best quality we recommend a laptop. No need to travel as you can access us right in the comfort of your own home. If you prefer in-person visits, Dr. Sonia currently works out of the Malta Chiropractic and Sports Rehab Clinic in Malta, NY. Dr. Sonia only sees clients on Friday’s in NY.

*Please note- if you are a cancer patient or in remission, see How to Get started- Integrative Oncology Consulting.

  • START HERE > Free Discovery Visit

    A Discovery visit is just what it sounds like. It’s a time for us to discuss what you are experiencing and how we can partner together to optimize your health. This is a 15 minute complementary video visit. It’s easy to book. Just click on the Book an Appointment icon and select the Discovery Visit on the left hand side. Discovery visits are only offered for NY clients. A calendar with the next available slots will appear. Select the date and time best for you.

  • STEP 2 > Initial Naturopathic Foundational Visit

    Let the transformation begin. This visit is exclusively for new clients who are looking for naturopathic consulting services. This visit is where we go over your entire health history, your goals and we begin to personalize your journey towards vibrant health. Click on the Book an Appointment icon and select the Naturopathic Foundational visit. A calendar will be available to select the date and time that fits your schedule. You’ll be prompted to create a client profile in our secure and HIPPA compliant client portal. Next, our very important intake and disclosure forms will be sent to your email and we require you to submit these prior to your virtual appointment. This allows time for us to get acquainted with you prior to your visit. You’ll be asked to test your video and audio prior to the appointment to ensure a seamless visit. This way we can devote all our attention on you. Be sure to select the options to receive a reminder email and SMS text two days and/or two hours prior to your appointment. On the day of your appointment, you’ll receive a link in your email 30 minutes prior to your appointment. Just click this link at your scheduled time to begin your appointment.

  • STEP 3 > Follow-up Strategic Visits

    Congratulations for taking a giant leap towards your transformational process. These visits are follow-up visits to the Foundational Visit. The first visit is when your plan is laid out and we continue to strategize according to your individual case. These visits are carefully personalized for each client and are the key to successfully achieving your goals. Depending on your case, you may need up to 5 strategic visits in a one year period to achieve the best results. Simply click on the book an appointment icon as you did when you scheduled your foundational visit. Schedule the time slot that works best for you!

    If you are scheduling a pediatric appointment, be sure to select the Pediatric Foundational Visit for the initial visit. This will ensure you receive the Pediatric Intake forms. Follow-up visits, after the initial pediatric foundational visit, can be booked under the Pediatric Follow-up Strategic visits.

Maintenance Phase (if needed)

Follow-up Empower Visits

You’re working your plan and need to check in about your plan and make some modifications. You’re learning to tune in to your body and listen. Positive changes are happening and we are moving into that optimal phase to continue to empower and equip you to get to the next level. At this stage, more than likely, we’ve discussed this visit together and determined this visit as your next step. Please email for this appointment to be scheduled for you.

Follow-up Traction Visits

These visits are designed for checking in and getting some accountability or clarity when necessary. This is to provide extra support and guidance when needed. This visit really highlights the difference between regular conventional care and our personalized and supportive approach. We never want you to feel overwhelmed or alone. This visit gives you the extra traction you might need from time to time. Please email for this appointment to be scheduled for you.

We serve the following Unlicensed States:

  • Alabama

  • Arkansas

  • Delaware

  • Florida

  • Georgia

  • Illinois

  • Kentucky

  • Louisiana

  • Michigan

  • Mississippi

  • Montana

  • Nebraska

  • Nevada

  • New Jersey

  • New York

  • North Carolina

  • Oklahoma

  • South Carolina

  • South Dakota

  • Tennessee

  • Texas

  • West Virginia

  • Wisconsin

  • Wyoming

Disclaimer: The above states currently do not issue licensure for Naturopathic Physicians to practice medicine. Dr. Sonia provides wellness consultations and focuses on the enhancement of health through virtual visits. She uses her education and experience to give you suggestions. You make decisions that are right for you about whether to use her suggestions. Any reference to the practice of Naturopathic Medicine does NOT apply to the above States.

If you currently live in these states and seek the care of Dr. Sonia, she advises that you seek the concurrent care of a health care provider licensed in your State. Dr. Sonia’s services are not meant to replace or to be a substitute for those of a licensed medical practitioner.