Dr. Sonia is a firm believer that health is the cornerstone to living a life of purpose. She can often be found saying “if you have your health- physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, you can have everything else.” Even if you know you’re living a life of purpose, things can change quickly if your health is not placed on the top of your list of priorities. Society today, makes it difficult to live a healthy lifestyle. Not to mention the quick fix mentality of pills that promises longevity but mostly delivers a diminished quality of life or undesirable side-effects overtime. It’s becoming more and more apparent that our current medical system is not the best it can be because it is not driven by the healthiest outcomes for patients.
Dr. Sonia has made it her mission to help empower individuals to not only improve their health holistically but to find their voice and advocate for their health. When people live lives of purpose and learn to communicate their purpose, it has the power to transform all other aspects of their lives. Dr. Sonia absolutely loves supporting and encouraging people who are ready to add vibrant health to the top of their long to-do lists. This is one reason why Naturopathic Medicine is so powerful because as Naturopathic Doctors we focus on the whole person and not just a one-time transactional process where we focus only on symptoms or a disease… The type of care Dr. Sonia provides is purposeful, empowering, and transformational. Dr. Sonia believes it is truly an honor and privilege each time she works with a client and begins to see that twinkle of vitality return to their eyes.
Bringing transformation into people’s lives is Dr. Sonia’s passion. She knows it starts with a decision. The decision that your life holds tremendous value and embracing the life you’ve been given, no matter how complicated and difficult your life seems; there is a way to transform your health when you’re ready. Entering the journey of health looks different for everyone and requires an individualized plan which is the key approach to Dr. Sonia’s method. There is no one size fits all mentality here!
Dr. Sonia understands that if you don’t take time for your health, your health may eventually force you take time for it. When Dr. Sonia was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 40, she intimately became aware of how cancer can rob years and vitality from your life. Or worse, take your most valued possession on earth which is life itself. Dr. Sonia focuses on disease and cancer prevention, so that you can fulfill your purpose and mission in life. Whether it is being a mom, grandmother, a CEO or a physician with a busy practice, your health matters and there is hope. She is equally passionate about coming along side of people who are already deeply struggling with chronic states of disease and addressing the root causes naturally toward restored wellness.
Dr. Sonia’s education, training and experience covers most health concerns and general wellness along with additional training in integrative oncology. As part of her clinical rotations, Sonia, and a small handful of colleagues, were selected to the Integrative Oncology Focus Shift at the Integrative Cancer Center (ICC) in Toronto, Canada, where she trained under Fellows of the American Board of Naturopathic Oncology (FABNO). These fellows are highly distinguished American Board-Certified Naturopathic Doctors with advanced training in oncology. The Oncology Focus shift uniquely qualifies Dr. Sonia with the experience to safely integrate evidence-based naturopathic plans alongside conventional oncology treatments. This paradigm of care focuses on supporting cancer patients during all phases of conventional treatment with increased quality of life and improved outcomes. The careful integration of both systems in medicine is fast becoming the future of oncology.
Dr. Sonia Understands
If you or a loved one has been recently diagnosed with cancer, Dr. Sonia understands how difficult and confusing this time can be. As a survivor, she understands that initial diagnosis and the many appointments and treatment options you’ll be faced with. When she was diagnosed, there just weren’t many holistic options available, but today there is a growing body of research and training specialties to support cancer patient’s quality of life before, during and after treatment and surgery.
Dr. Sonia is also a long-time resident of Upstate NY. She received her bachelor’s in chemistry with an emphasis in biochemistry and a minor in biology at SUNY Albany. She worked as a NY State licensed Medical Technologist in a clinical and forensic laboratory before deciding to advance her career as a medical professional in a different field. Shortly, after completing the additional schooling, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Finding herself on the opposite side of where she planned to be—as a patient, she quickly realized she no longer wanted to pursue the conventional direction; although, she was grateful for the surgeons who helped save her life. She began to research health with a new perspective and discovered Naturopathic Medicine and a new passion was found! Around this time, she lost a dear friend to cancer, and she felt called to pursue becoming a Naturopathic Doctor to bring Integrative oncology experience and knowledge to Upstate NY and beyond.
Dr. Sonia Drouin is a Naturopathic Doctorate Recipient from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM). CCNM is one of the largest Naturopathic Medical Schools in North America with the largest Naturopathic Training Clinic to date. CCNM is accredited by the American Association of Accredited Naturopathic Colleges and the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education.
Dr. Sonia is an associate member of the Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians (OncANP), the Society for Integrative Oncology (SIO), the NY Association of Naturopathic Physicians (NYANP), the Vermont Association of Naturopathic Physicians, and the American Associations of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP).
Dr. Sonia plans to be actively involved in the current licensure efforts to pass the New York Naturopathic Medicine Bill allowing Naturopathic Physicians to practice medicine in New York State. Currently, there is a bill pending in the House of Representatives. New York and New Jersey are the only two Northeastern States to not recognize Naturopathic Drs. She strongly believes that everyone deserves a holistic approach to their healthcare and sees clients for consulting services only until the Naturopathic Medicine bill passes.
Fun Facts
When Dr. Sonia is not devoting her time to her clients, she enjoys foraging through the great outdoors while hiking to find wild native herbs and spending time with her three beautiful daughters and four grandchildren. She enjoys all four-seasons especially when she can get outside to enjoy them with her favorite pit bull mix named Lucy. Her hobbies include playing guitar and she looks forward to planting an herb garden someday.
Dr. Sonia serves the following Unlicensed States:
Disclaimer: The above states currently do not issue licensure for Naturopathic Physicians to practice medicine. Dr. Sonia provides wellness consultations and focuses on the enhancement of health. She uses her education and experience to give you suggestions. You make decisions that are right for you about whether to use her suggestions. Any reference to the practice of Naturopathic Medicine does NOT apply to the above States.
If you seek the care of Dr. Sonia, she advises that you seek the concurrent care of a health care provider licensed in your State. Dr. Sonia’s services are not meant to replace or to be a substitute for those of a licensed medical practitioner.